Thursday, September 29, 2011

Farmer's Market!

I'm pretty sure my favorite thing about living in this city is the Farmer's Market. No, I am sure. There's just something about walking around and seeing all of the different sorts of people enjoying their Saturday afternoon the same way you are. Matt's favorite part, aside from the glorious food, is seeing all of the different types of puppies. I swear that man is obsessed with dogs. He's always talking about our future dogs and the wacky names he come up with. He's always talking about our future children, too. It's awfully cute.

Anywho! Here are some pictures I took of our adventure to the Farmer's Market last Saturday. Next week I'll have to go by myself, if I go at all, because Matt will be doing some clinical stuff for his CNA course (which is almost over! yay!).

A Farmer's Market is a tomato-lover's dream. I am a tomato love, fo sho.

 I can't begin to explain how neat this guy's instrument was. It was an awesome combination of so many sweet musical sounds. We loved it.

This picture does not give justice to the ginormous size of those onions and fatty carrots. 

 Those veggies were big even in comparison to this Great Dane!
(This dog is my dream dog, by the way. I nearly squealed when I first saw him,
 I was so excited! okay, maybe I did squeal, and maybe Matt rolled his eyes.)

It's he beeeeautiful?! He's my favorite coloring, and definitely twice as big as I am. 
Matt asked if I was sure I wanted a dog big enough for me to ride. 
But he'll have to clean up the poo. ;)

 One of the greatest parts about the FM is the free samples. 
This fresh kettle corn and caramel corn was to die for!

Seeing all sorts of home-grown pumpkins got me SO excited for the fall season. It's totally my fave. 
the changing colors, cool breezes, perfect weather, and Halloween and Thanksgiving make me so happy!
I want to get a pumpkin which a huge stem like this. :)

 This is what Matt ate. It was some sort of sausage in a bun with some awesome spices.

 You probably can't tell, but he was in heaven. He finished it before My food was even ready!

 I got my lunch from the neighboring tent. That lady in the front was absolutely adorable. She had a great accent and said the cutest things. She told me I looked very pretty and kept calling me "darlin'".

This is what I ordered. YUM! I only ate half, and the rest (as always) 
was eaten by Matthew, my food disposal.

 While we were eating, we saw this. Isn't he an exciting assortment of prints!?

 We sat near a hoola-hoop area. It was hilarious, clever, and so so cute. 

 Then we heard some chanting, and I wanted to check it out.

The people who created the circle we chanting something while randomly, people would go into the center and flail around - doing cartwheels, and spinning with self-perceived precision of some sort. Every one and a while the people making the circle would clap. At least they were having fun doing whatever it was they were doing. 

We had a lot of fun. Just before this picture, as we were leaving, a man with fruit and a knife stopped us and made us eat a piece of peach, then a nectarine. We felt obligated, of course! I said "mmm", then the man said to Matt that I was having a "tongue-gasm." I probably did, but that's just a little awkward.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This time next month, my Matthew will be leaving me for three whole days. I cannot bear the thought. When he first told me, my heart sank. I even teared up a little bit [but lately, I tear up at the slightest thing].

What on earth am I going to do with myself?

I'm trying to plan things to do now to make sure I'm good and busy so I have less time to spend missing him. He's going away for a weekend of training or something with the ROTC. I guess this little weekend will prepare me for the times he has to go away for a month or so during the next few summers.

I think I've figured out what I'm to do, though. :)

1. Call up some Provo friends and see if they want to come spend the weekend or a day with me exploring and shopping.
2. Work on all of my decorating plans that weekend to a) surprise him with a fresh, beautiful home to come home to, and b) be kept reeeeally busy.
3. Buy a bunny and spend the weekend coo-ing over him/her and litter box train him/her.
and the very least fun thing to do
4. Study. o_O

I've been doing some more hunting for ideas on how to decorate. Here's a few more ideas.

Somesing like thiiis...


this. :)
Maybe. I have some experimentin' to do.

Until the weekend he leaves next month, I will be soaking up and enjoying every last second I can with him... even when he keeps me from sleeping with his shallow, deep, loud breaths in his sleep, and when he leaves 4 pairs of shoes on the floor causing me to almost trip. I lurve him. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a la mode.

These days all I can think of are the endless possibilities our little home possesses. I cannot wait to start the transformation. I've been doing a lot of "soul searching" and discovering what makes me tick, what makes me happy, what style is me, and more importantly, us.

Having Matthew's approval of design and style ideas for our apartment is so important to me. Lucky for me, he's into just about anything I show him. We've decided on a fun, vintage/shabby-chic look, and somehow, we'll incorporate the new modern-styled couch we got from IKEA. I couldn't be more excited!

We're very into recycled goods, as they're so full of character and tend to be a little easier on the wallet, and our wallet has been taking a pounding lately. Another good thing about used goods and our open minds are the ways we can get creative and reuse things in fun ways. 

This is the neatest little idea for a book shelf. If you happen to know 
where I can find some old wooden boxes, please let me know!

I can't get enough of this dresser. I absolutely love the color!

We really want/need a little extra kitchen space. A little shelving unit of some sort
 that would house some of our kitchen appliances, pots and pans, 
and food would be absolutely delightful!

And then we'll adorn the walls with funky pictures in vintage frames and other wall goodies, patterned rugs where space and good sense will allow, old goodies on shelves, and vintage-inspired throw pillows made by yours truly. 

You'd be amazed at how creativity has hit me the past few weeks. I've never felt so inspired or happy with myself. I've made two pillows, drawn a couple nifty pictures, and dreamed of my newly decorated space. 

This weekend I will check out some garage sales before it gets too cold. I must find these things.

Here are some pictures of our place just after we moved in. It has changed a bit as we have gotten a couch, coffee table, and a new comforter and sheets.

Yes, it's teeny, but we love it and it's home. I can't wait to get it decorated to make it really feel like ours.  

Friday, September 23, 2011


I always meet/see the most interesting people when I venture out to do laundry.

Just now, a man came up to me and asked if I was an artist - music, art, etc. To which I said, "kind of..." I am in an art class...? Does that count?

He said I had an "air about me".
I look like an artist?

He gave me his business card, told me to look them up, and call his partner if I was interested.

It's funny how things happen. I wish I were an artist. I wish I had my own "style" or "signature art". I'm just a girl taking an art class for the fun of it. But.. I really am enjoying it, and Matt thinks I'm good. But who am I kidding.

It is funny how things happen though.

Do I?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Today has been an exceptionally giggly day. 
Everything seems funny and sends me into a hysteria of laughter. I love it. 

Mayhaps it's because I went to bed at midnight, which, these days, is unheard of!
With Matt's ROTC and class schedule so dang stinkin' early in the morning, he has to be in bed by 10 or it's bad news bears at the Castellanos apartment. He also has to be well fed, or he's crankier than a baby, but that's another story. 

Anywho, I went to bed around midnight last night on account of what seemed to be a mountain of homework (due today) casting a hu-mungo shadow over me. I had planned on getting up when Matt left for PT at 5 am. Thank the good heavens I didn't. I woke up at 7. Everything has been making me batty, the best batty, that is.... Except when Matt came home just before 8, quite flustered, and interrupted my shower by asking where his books were. (They were in the car. He leaves everything in the car. That man..)

To my point. I've been going bonkers today, especially around Matt. 
When Matt got home (after I had quite the productive day) he sat down next to me and asked, 
"Are you ever going to do your hair again?" 

To which I respond, 
to the man who has me cut his hair the same way every week. 
Yes, every week. 

Then he says, 
"Ya, I don't remember the last time you did your hair,
BUT I'm not complaining. I'm just asking."

To which I say, 
"I just did it, like, last week."
Isn't that often enough? ;)
Then I went into a laughing fit. One of many.

And, really, what's wrong with after-shower buns?

He threatens to chop it off sometimes. 
I think it's funny. 
And you know, I don't think I'd mind.
I would probably like it.. after the original shock wore off. 
I almost want to dare him to do it.
But he's right, I wear my hair like this almost every day.

The End!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Lately, I've found myself blogging in my head, and then I wonder why I ever stopped. I soon remember that I have almost no time in the day to do the things I need to do, let alone the things I'd like to do.

Want to know what's been going on in my life since day-whatever of planning for my wedding? Read on, my friends.

First, I'm married! Life's been grand since the "big day". Our wedding was absolutely beautiful and so so so much fun. Our honeymoon to Avila Beach turned into a road trip down the central and southern coastline of California. I highly recommend staying at the La Fonda Hotel if you're looking for a nice romantic weekend getaway to a quaint little beach (and ask for the room with the spa tub, it's definitely worth the extra penny). We made the trip back up to Utah, and have spent just over a week in our very own teeny 500-something square foot apartment in "The Avenues" in Salt Lake.

Speaking of our apartment, living in good ol' Provo for the last three years has spoiled me. I am used to fully furnished, internet and cable provided, and not having to pass background, credit, and employment checks before being able to be considered a future tenant for an apartment. Boy am I not looking forward to moving again. I have waiting and not knowing if the $50 or $60 we spent for an application is a waste of time and money that we don't have. I just have to keep telling myself that the two first rejections were worth it because we ended up in a pretty neat little place in a nearly perfect location.

After sitting on the floor or our air mattress for just over a week..... We have a couch! My parents allowed us to purchase a cute little love seat from IKEA as our wedding gift. Matt still ends up sitting on the floor for whatever reason. We also purchased a nice coffee table and a step stool. All three things were assembled by this happy little couple Saturday afternoon as a big, rumbly storm passed through our new, exciting city.

We keep hoping to venture around town to become better acquainted with places other than the Gateway Mall and Temple Square, which we have frequented many times over the couple years. I've been able to drive around a little on my way to and from picking up or dropping Matthew off at school, and I have come to a conclusion. Salt Lake City has some of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen! They almost all have so much character! - red brick walls, vines growing up the sides of homes and apartment buildings, big, beautiful, colorful gardens, bold-colored doors. I love it all. I found a new, quicker way to get to Matt's school on Thursday, which just so happens to be adorned with said homes and buildings, and I was so excited to show him on our drive home. He wasn't as excited as I was, but I guess I tend to get really excited about little things like that.

We're still living in a mess of boxes strewn about our apartment. You never really know how much unnecessary junk you have until you move, and the funny thing is that I donated and threw away a ton of stuff before we moved. I have at least two large boxes and a garbage bag of stuff to find new homes for, and when you live in a shoebox like we do, every square foot is important and can't afford to be cluttered. I don't know what to do. Furniture would be nice. It would probably help quite a bit too, yes? Unfortunately, rent is a necessity and furniture is expensive so some things will just have to wait.

I realize this post is getting rather lengthy and you're probably getting bored so I'll leave you with a few pictures. Enjoy!