Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Our Easter Sunday was terribly uneventful, and oh so wonderful. As our first "real" holiday (unless you count Valentine's Day, which I have mixed feelings about) as a family, we loved up every little second. We wandered to church, made it through two out of three meetings, which I'll consider a win considering the tiny human who is now in charge of us. We came home and did what made sense to be done on out Easter Sunday and napped like champs, gave Millie her Easter basket of infant-appropriate goodies, and has a couple little cyber-dates with our families.

Now, let me tell you.

Holidays are a bazillion times better when you have a chubby baby to celebrate with. I mean, I love me any excuse to browse the baby section even if going outside the house to do anything is a huge excursion now. Showering, getting myself ready, and trying to figure out the best way to get around a baby's sleep schedule is exhausting in and of itself. But, hey. I wouldn't have it any other way, really.

So we snapped a couple photos to commemorate our Easter because that's what seems to be the proper thing to do, and here they are.

^^^ We clearly ventured way out of our ways to snap some incredible pictures... oh, lazy days.

^^^ Please excuse the crazy baggage under my eyes. I've been sleeping, I promise. But more importantly, that chubby face (hers, not mine)! Could you not want to eat it up?!

Happy Easter, all!


two. months. old.


Amelia likes to sleep, eat, and be crazy cute. She is also a fan of staying up really late and screaming, but only on the nights that her pops has to get up crazy early in the morning.