Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's time.

It's time that I start my goals of self improvement. My resolutions, if you will. I don't normally make resolutions as I typically forget what they were a week into the year. This year I'm desperately going to try for mine and the hub's sake.

  1. Clean the apartment daily. Including making the bed. :|
  2. Fix my hair as often as possible. As trendy as buns have become, I have hair that should serve a purpose more than being a bird's nest on the top of my head. If I don't stick to this one, I'm chopping off my hair and donating it. 
  3. Blog more! Including finding things worth blogging about. And maybe I'll come out of the blogging closet. Matt's the only one who knows about this and is constantly telling me to "take it live".  Coming up with his own blogging terms now - that man. 
  4. Start meal planning and eating more fresh fruits and veggies.
  5. Accompany Matt to the gym more often. 
  6. Change out of my work clothes as soon as I get home rather than spending the entire day in them/ make an effort to look nice. Red and khaki should never be worn together unless you're working at Target.
  7. Get crafty! Pinterest is a wonderful tool and should actually begin to be applied in my life.
  8. Get organized and motivated - find an internship and volunteer for organizations I love and admire. 
  9. Graduate.
  10. Get ready to make babies. I may or may not buy onesies when they go on clearance at work. At least I'll be prepared?
  11. Make sure Matt knows and feels loved every single day.
Get ready for a new better me, 2012!

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