This weekend was our first weekend apart since being married. It was strange, but it felt normal - good almost. It gave us an opportunity to reflect on how much we love and cherish each other's company. Matt was off on an "adventure" with the ROTC.
I like to refer to everything that the ROTC does as an adventure because it all sounds so fun! He got to ride in a helicopter, sleep outside under the beautiful sky, sleep in the barracks (like in the movies!), and shower with other men. An adventure, indeed. It was incredible listening to his stories and seeing how happy he was. He makes me so proud. He snapped this picture just before his squad was picked up to go to "battle."
I got to have a couple of my girlfriends over on Saturday night. It was so good getting to catch up with them and have our much needed and missed "girl time" (and pizza!). I also got to work on decorating our little apartment, although I didn't get nearly as much done as I had hoped. It was still successful and so fun to get some things up on the walls. I couldn't wait to get Matt home to show him my work. He loved it.
Us at The Original Pancake House.
After picking Matt up from his adventure, we went to Chili's for some more grub.
Friday night I spent almost 2 hours walking around IKEA trying to decide what to buy. Making decisions is already hard for me, but not knowing what Matt would think made it harder. I picked up and placed so many things into my shopping cart that I didn't end up getting, but I am very pleased with the things I did walk away with. (Not pictured is a darling little ironing board that I found for only $5!)
Now that Matt's home, we're back into the swing of things. School has been a horror show for the both of us the past few weeks. Midterms and homework assignments are relentless and don't allow us to have much of a social life. But this weekend is Halloween! We're hoping to do something, although I haven't gotten our costumes yet. If time does what it normally does, I won't get around to finding our costumes and we'll end up having a scary movie marathon with lots of unhealthy things to eat, which doesn't sound like too bad of a plan. I am thoroughly excited about what I have planned as costumes (I've been planning since last year!), but the holiday snuck up on me. If it doesn't work out in time, I'll have a whole year to gather our costume pieces for next year.
In other news:
I got a second job!
... at Target. Last Monday I walked into the store for an interview, and walked out with a job. Being hired on the spot is definitely a self-esteem booster. Things are looking up for us. We are excited for everything in our bright little future.