Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lazy Sunday.

Today was an amazingly lazy Sunday.

I got to spend all day with my lovely Matthew. We accomplished a whole lot of nothing, and had a blast.

We made banana chips for the first time ever. His poor oven worked its little heart out. Seeing as it resides in an apartment full of college boys, it doesn't get too much action. Unfortunately, they did not turn out as beautifully as the picture on the recipe website (but what ever does?). They still taste delicious, if I do say so myself.

I recently bought what I consider to be one of my best ever purchases: A Studio Ghibli Collection of twelve movies! (My favorites are and will always be My Neighbor Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service. Today we watched one of the other ten movies: Spirited Away. It was delightful, and didn't make very much sense in the middle. We loved it! Yours truly being half asian, I couldn't be much happier while watching these amazing Japanese films. I grew up watching Totoro and Kiki's. My Matthew, hispanic and previously oblivious to anything anime (besides Dragon Ball and Pokemon),  is now almost as big a fan as I am to these movies.

So you know how you try to make an effort to do something romantic and lovey, and in the process, something goes terribly wrong? My Matthew and I know how that goes. Today he tried to whisp me off the desk chair to lay a wet one on me, but of course, I ended up getting hurt in the process (not to make it seem like he hurts me often, it's just that I am prone to tripping over my own feet and making a fool of myself very often). In what should have been a one-step swoop into his arms, my knee smacks the desk, I winch in pain (because just a few minutes earlier I whacked the same spot on my knee with my laptop), and we fall backwards. Luckily, I fall into him without causing him pain, and instead of enjoying a nice kiss, we lay in each others arms laughing and rubbing my knee. At least tonight I managed not to flick my long locks of hair into his face and eyes or elbow him somewhere accidentally.. which also seems to happen a lot.

Finally, at the end of the night, while my studious boyfriend worked on some homework (that isn't even due tomorrow!), I browsed some of my favorite blogs. I came across this lovely little pillow on Alice Lane's blog. She has been doing a fabulous job redecorating Stephanie Nielson's home (Stephanie - "NieNie", is my inspiration for many things). Seriously, check her out. This women is the strongest, most beautiful woman. You or I never need to meet her to know of her importance in this world. Anywho, Alice Lane is doing a giveaway! Woot! She's giving away a pillow that was used in Stephanie's home and I L-O-V-E it. As an added bonus, I'm blogging about it in hopes that I win. *Fingers crossed!* If not, which is probably the case because I never win anything, at least someone out there will have this beaut.

My love for this pillow sparked an online pillow shopping trip! (And when I say "online shopping", I don't actually mean shopping, since I'm a poor college student. All I can afford is to look and dream of all of the pretty little things I find online). WalMart, of all places, has some cute stuff! My virtual bag filled up with about 15 different pillows totaling about $150. If only I had that kind of money. My modest little apartment would be the talk of the.. er.. complex. Although, it is pretty cute already with my small collection of home goods. 

Alright, it's late and I'm pooped! But I'll end with this scenario: 

It's bedtime. You're extremely thirsty and nothing but a cup of water can quench your thirst, so you sleepily walk into the kitchen. Without bothering to turn on the light, you grab a glass and fill it with water. You get back into your room, where a little light is still on. You drink nearly all of the water and love every drop of it! Except, wait.. is that..?.. what are those things floating around the bottom of your glass!? Yes, of course. They were there all along; happily floating and enjoying the ride down your esophagus without your knowledge. Whatever those little (but still rather large) floaty things are or were will forever remain a mystery and make you feel slightly sick to your stomach. 

Did you guess it?! Yes, that was my personal scenario. Aren't I a lucky one!? It's no wonder I never win anything. I'm an unlucky clutz and am prone to all things bad or uncomfortable happening to me. If I wake up sick tomorrow, it's either because of those little floaty things that invaded my drinking water, or from eating too many bananas/banana chips today. Oh, the finer things in life. 

Goodnight room, 
           goodnight moon, 
                    goodnight cyber-world. 

Stay tuned, 
           and stay classy.

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