Monday, September 10, 2012

A few things...

Because I know you're wondering, or asking each other, or wanting to ask us (and because we've already been asked a loooot):

When is your due date?
February 4th, 2013.

How far along are you?
19 weeks today. And I know, I know. I'll start taking weekly pictures, although I'm not showing toooo much yet so you haven't missed much. Just a tiny bump that is very slowly getting bigger. 

When do you find out what you're having?
THIS Friday! (September 14th at 3:30)

Do you want a boy or a girl?
All we really want is a healthy, happy baby. BUT everyone (our families) are hoping for a girl, even though everyone is pretty sure we'll be having a boy (boys seem to run in the Castellanos family pretty strongly). 

Are you coming home (to California) to have the baby?
No. Since we live here (in Utah) and my doctor (who I adore) is here, we will be having the baby at the University of Utah Hospital. Come visit! ;)

Was it planned?
Yes, thankyouverymuch. We've always wanted a family, which was something we found out early into our relationship three years ago. The time felt right for us to start our little family, so we did and we couldn't be happier!

Do you have names picked out?
Yes and no. We are fairly certain on a girl's name, but we're still trying to narrow down the boy options (boy's names seem to be much harder for us to decide on). We probably won't know for certain either way until we see our baby and know that the name "fits." 

Why did you keep it a secret for so long?
We didn't, really. We told our families when I was six weeks along when we were home for a short visit in June. Once we were more assured that it was looking like a healthy pregnancy, we started telling some of our extended family and close friends in California and here in Utah. Soon after people we saw on a regular basis - co-workers, people we go to church with, classmates, etc. - were told. It took a while for us to share the news via social media simply due to personal preference. It was our news to share the way we wanted to and when we wanted to. And now it's out there!

That should cover it, I think.

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