So today has been cool.
I was awake before I wanted to be, took my time getting ready, got to work where they told me I could leave because it had been a slow day, I bought milk, left work, went to the post office on campus, came home, organized the fridge for the
second time this week (it's only Tuesday), swept the kitchen floor, vacuumed the apartment, attempted to study for a scary (but apparently not scary enough) statistics test, watched Glee, went through some boxes and my closet and bagged some things up to donate, snacked on some graham crackers, browsed men's wedding rings and apartments online, tried studying again, and now this.
Fun, huh?
I mean, I've been productive, right? Sooo maybe I haven't gotten done what I really needed to do today, but at least stuff has gotten done!
Also, I will never understand how the one person who cleans out the fridge just to have space for all 3 items is unable to purchase and put her items in the fridge before
more food enters, thus again, leaving no room for said 3 items, calling for more careful organizing. I will also never understand certain people's tendency to buy large amounts of food that sit in the fridge/freezer until they expire or rot without hardly being touched or opened by the purchaser.
Onward - to more exciting business!The wedding planning is moving along! Plates, cups, and utensils have been decided on and they're lovely! I also found delicious glass containers to house oodles of candy and other goodies for the candy/goodie bar. I've confirmed and reconfirmed to myself that I love my sparkly ring. I don't know why, but it happens often. He did good! :)
I've also started to wear my retainers to be more frequently. Yummy news, yes?
Next, I will conquer my ornery skin with a microdermabrasion home-kit, because, let's face it; I can't afford the real thing on this tiny budget/income. Fingers crossed that it actually works and doesn't leave my face in a red blustery mess. Nice visual, right?
Ohhhh, but the best news is.. [are you ready??]... the soon-to-be-mother-in-law is coming! COMING! Here!
This weekend! Oh golly! Yes, when I first found out my stomach sunk a little and my face may have lost a little color. I felt bad; real bad.
However, my stomach and face returned to their normal, weird selves and I am
happy. Very happy, actually. Super duper excited, really! I'm going dress shopping dudes! And not alone! We already have two appointments set up because she's awesome like that.
With any luck, I will have made a very huge [monetary-wise and importance-wise] purchase by Saturday! I sure hope we're lucky. I'm not normally lucky. Not ever.
We've also scheduled out engagement picture session with a very lovely friend of mine, which means nothing else but....
an excuse to go shopping for awesomely cute outfits! Well, and I guess it also means we'll be sending out invitations soon!
I have also picked out Matt's ring! (Since he picked out my ring without any of my input, we agreed that I could choose his.)
[Take note that the shapes on his match the cut of the diamond on mine!]
I think I did pretty good.
Alright, ya'll. It's way too late to be awake right now.. It is a couple hours into Wednesday now, thus it is bed time. Goodnight lovies.