Friday, December 7, 2012

30 Weeks.

Feeling our little wiggle worm move around is amazing, don't get me wrong, but I've gotten to the point where every movement is uncomfortable and I just want to see her moving around in the world.

The little one in my belly has been very active for the past couple of weeks. Like, she doesn't stop moving. She also gets the hiccups 2-3 times a day. We're measuring at just over 37 inches around. Big ladies over here.

With only 9 weeks (or less!) to go, I've got my mind set on a 12 pack of Pepsi or Coke or Dr. Pepper and half a dozen pink sprinkle donuts. (My most prevalent cravings as of late.)

Dear Sweet Baby, 

This week time I'll keep it short. We can't wait to see you. I want you to keep growing and developing beautifully, but I cannot wait for you to be in my arms. 

P.S. I love your little feet, but my ribs don't quite love their presence. 

Love, Mama.