So here we go. I'll be sharing our day to day shenanigans here, virtually bridging the gap between our current home in Texas and you guys. Our days are mostly boring, spent at home playing with the same toys and watching the same tv shows as we do every day, but with a witty toddler and a quirky baby, sometimes funny things happen. And sometimes I take pictures of them with the camera Matt bought me for our first anniversary present back when we had absolutely no money to afford such a luxury.
Summer is ending (apparently) since we're now into the 5th day of September. Everyone is talking about their pumpkin spice lattes and decorating for the fall, which I love, but I have I hunch that we'll be sporting our summer clothes off and on throughout the fall and winter like we did last year, but hey.
A couple weeks ago, the girls and I finally made it to a pool. I was really responsible and lathered them in the safest sunscreen I could find, and sent them off to splash, play, and "swim"; and, of course, completely forgot to put some on my own sunburn-prone skin. The girls had a blast. We all did, actually. It felt SO good to get in the pool and just play. I had just received my new swimsuit in the mail so I was eager to put it on and play with my girls. Our friends joined us soon after we had gotten there and we spent about 2 1/2 hours in the pool. Millie got a beautiful tan, and I was burnt to a crisp, but didn't realize it until we got home that evening. We went back the next day, this time I opted to not get in the pool and stayed covered up in a long sleeve shirt. It was so hot, but so worth it to see the girls laughing and splashing and getting more comfortable in the water. Matt can't wait to teach the girls how to swim. He spent so many summers teaching and coaching other people's kids how to swim, it'll be so fun to see him teach our own kids!
I've been trying to get better about using the "big" camera more often than the camera on my phone, so I remembered to grab it on our way out the door. I'm always so glad when I remember to snap a few pictures with it. I hope to get a few of these pictures printed and framed in our house. I think the last time I had pictures printed was to display at our wedding 5 years ago, so it's time we start adding some personal touches around the house.